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Jewellery regarding professional sports
Jacob TylerHave you ever marvelled what type of jewellery an athlete is allowed to wear on the field? Is a pitcher player allowed to wear a men’s wedding ring on the on the mound? Or is a ice-hockey player allowed to wear a necklace?
Here is a short summary on what professional athletes are allowed to wear in the four major sports.
Their uniform, skates, socks, gloves and helmet, the NHL doesn’t have any rules regarding what kind of NHL jewellery and gifts
will be worn throughout the sport. Since it is a high impact sport, players are apt to not wear any kind of earrings or rings throughout the games. As for necklaces, as long as they do not seem outside of the jersey they’re allowed.
If there’s one sport that’s hyper critical of what a player wears on the field, it’s the NFL (or as some fans have dubbed it the “No Fun League”). Not only can you get fined for excessive celebration on the field, but also for sporting non- sanctioned socks or shoes. And the rules begin from the time somebody hits the field for pre-game practice. Rules are even enforced during post game interviews! Ironically, though, the NFL doesn’t have excessive rules on what kind of jewellery will be worn on the field. Since hands are primarily used for catching and blocking, rings are generally not worn as they might have an effect on the catching or throwing of a ball. Necklaces and ear rings, on the other hand, are worn, as long as they’re within reason. Bracelets, on the other hand, should be covered at all time. Did I mention that officers review the complete game later on to ensure (once again) that nobody broke uniform rules throughout the game? Wow.
In the past few years the commissioner’s office has begun to come down hard on the players and has limited what a player may wear before and after a game. This is often extended to the court where NBA players don’t seem to be allowed to wear any kind of NBA jewellery and gifts. This implies earrings; bracelets, rings and necklaces are all no-no’s. The only accessories allowed on the court are knee and elbow braces, headbands and, of course, tattoos.
Major League Baseball, on the other hand, looks to have a very liberal policy speaking of jewellery. Basically, you may wear any kind of jewellery unless it’s deemed by an umpire as “distracting” or can interfere with the sport. In other words, pitchers cannot wear rings as they could scuff the ball and no duplicate necklaces and Halcyon Days Enamels that may distract the batter from the ball (not that anyone is thinking of sporting it, but you get the idea).
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