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Types of Auto Air-Conditioning Systems
Your cars air-conditioning system is essential for comfortable and convenient travels. Auto service centres have
air conditioner repairs in Brisbane
since air-conditioner system breakdowns can happen anytime and anywhere. You have to know what type of auto air-conditioning system your vehicle has to understand the process more. This can help you to know the problem and what components of the system broke down. You may be able to save money from service fees since some auto air-conditioning system problems require easy to do repairs. If the damage is serious, you have to bring your vehicle to any of the reliable car servicing centres in Brisbane. This is to prevent further damages in case you are planning to repair it yourself.
Basic Parts
All auto air-conditioning systems are composed of similar parts except for the device that lowers the pressure of the refrigerant. The two devices that define the two types of auto air-conditioning system are orifice tube or thermal expansion valve. These devices have their advantages and disadvantages to the auto air-conditioning systems. The similar parts are compressor, condenser, evaporator, receiver-drier, and accumulator. The compressor is a device used to pressurize refrigerants then move them to the condenser which cools them down. The evaporator is used to turn the liquid refrigerants into their gaseous form. The receiver-drier collects the refrigerants from the condenser.
Orifice Tube System
If your vehicle is manufactured by General Motors (GM) or Ford, your car would probably have the orifice tube system. The orifice device has a maximum length of 3 inches. This device has small brass tubes. The tubes are covered by plastic and filters on every edge. The device is placed in the liquid line or in the evaporator s inlet tube. This type of auto air-conditioning system is prone to clogging which can be caused by airborne debris and dusts. The clogging in the system may require repairs or replacements which are expensive. However, this problem can be prevented by installing larger front pre-filter in the system s orifice tube.
Expansion Valve System
Most cars have the expansion valve type of auto air-conditioning system. The device is a slide valve which can control the regulation of refrigerants to the evaporator. This makes the expansion valve system more efficient than the other type. The expansion valve is placed at the firewall. It is in between the inlet and outlet tubes of the evaporator and the liquid and section lines. The common problem for this type of system is the gradual destruction of the expansion valve. This is caused by chemical reaction which damages the metal valve and causes the small moving parts inside the expansion valve to stick together or malfunction. This type of system is also prone to clogging just like the orifice tube system.
For more information about the air conditioner repairs in Brisbane, visit the website http://www.logbookcarservicing.com.au .
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