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Submitted by: Rena Graham
For a successful liposuction result one key factor is to be the right candidate for it. Not only is it just about removing stubborn fats from your body but also preparing your body to properly adapt after all those excess has been removed. Being the right candidate also means that you are prepared for the responsibility that your new body would require from you. So before you think about having this procedure done, here are essential facts you need to consider.
The best candidates for a liposuction surgery are those who have excess localized fat deposits in areas such as the arms, abdomen, thighs, flanks and the neck. Usually these fats are resistant to any amount of diet and exercise which is why mechanical removal is the best measure to permanently eliminate these adipose tissues.
But before anything else, the surgeon would always make sure that you are generally healthy. This means that there should be no pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular diseases or pulmonary problems. Those who are diabetics may also be at risk for complications especially with healing. That is why it is important that you disclose any health conditions that you may have with your surgeon.
To be generally healthy, you must also be free from any vices. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure that you lay off these at least 4 weeks prior to surgery.
You must also remember that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, which is why you have to be within the appropriate weight before you are cleared for liposuction. With that said, you must be at least 30% of your ideal body weight to ensure better success.
When it comes to age, the lower limit for someone to be cleared for liposuction is 18 years old. There is no upper age limit, however due to the natural effects of aging to the skin the results for older patients may not be as optimal compared to younger individuals. That is why evaluation is very important so that you will be prepared of the possible results or the limitations of your particular case.
You must also have realistic expectations about the procedure if you want to pass as a good candidate for liposuction. This means that as you understand its advantages you must also consider its drawbacks. Knowing what to expect about the procedure is very crucial because this has caused some patients to feel frustrated with their results.
Having realistic expectations also mean that you have to be more responsible with your lifestyle and health practices. Not being too careful can cause fat build up yet again. The problem is that it no longer rests right underneath your skin, but rather it lies over vital organs, or what is called visceral fats. This can be very dangerous because it can cause cardiovascular and metabolic problems.
If you are taking any maintenance medications, you must give your surgeon an entire list of what you are taking. This is because there are some medications that could affect your body s clotting abilities which can pose a serious danger during surgery.
Money is also a very important factor for you to be a good candidate for surgery. Of course you cannot have this procedure done if you don t have the money to pay for it and its other related expenses. That is why before you even consider this; you need to make sure that you can afford it. And also remember that you should never let the cost drive you to settle for cheaper and unreliable services.
So if you think that you can work around the things mentioned above. Then you just might be a good candidate for liposuction surgery. You can be sure about this after you are thoroughly evaluated by a reputable surgeon.
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