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E-Cigs Are As Easy As 1-2-3!
Brian Epstein
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways Electronic cigarettes have taken the world of smokers by storm, offering a brilliant alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. With their many advancements, they are quickly replacing the old fashioned cigarette. Let me tell you about the top three reasons e-cigarettes are so much better than regular tobacco cigarettes.
Reason #1: No Smoke. With my beloved e-cigs there is no ash falling into my bed sheets, causing fires and burning holes. With my smokeless cigarettes, there is no carcinogenic smoke, nothing toxic, harming my body or others with second hand fumes. Simply put: no smoke= a healthier cigarette.
Reason #2: A Greener Alternative. With electric cigarettes, I do not have to fret about how I am contributing to worldwide pollution with my cigarettes hogging up space in landfills. I no longer flick my cig butts on the ground, and therefore I am not contributing to ground pollution. There is also a vast amount of paper saved because with a reusable product, there is ultimately less packaging waste. Finally, on the green front, tobacco is one of the most widely pesticide-sprayed crops. By not consuming it, I am not contributing to the excessive, harmful effects of overuse of toxic pesticides.
Reason #3: Convenience. You can literally smoke electronic cigarettes everywhere. Because they exude no smoke, no chemicals, and no ash they pose no threat to others. So whether you are out in public, at a gathering with friends, chilling at home, or are at the office- there is no reason you cant smoke. There is also no worry when you smoke e-cigarettes indoors with lingering, foul odors, or stale foggy air. You also have the option to charge your e-cigarettes battery in several different ways, providing you great ease, so you can charge them everywhere too! Buying electronic cigarettes online is also the most convenient way to get your hands on them; no going anywhere to get them, and they are delivered right to you!
Brian Epstein is an expert in smoking alternatives like
e-cigarette starter kits
. These devices are increasingly popular with those looking for a high tech solution to the many problems associated with smoking traditional cigarettes.
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E-Cigs Are As Easy As 1-2-3!}