By Brian Garvin
You can make money in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) by selling the products, however to generate the maximum income from this form of business you really need to develop your down line of independent distributors that are also selling the products and building their businesses. Potential new distributors are known in the industry as MLM Leads, and there are numerous ways of generating or acquiring your own lists of free MLM Leads.
One place to start to generate free MLM Leads is to approach your friends and family and gauge their interest or ask if they know of anyone that may be interested in the products or the business opportunity. Many people shy away from this approach especially when they are new in MLM as they dont want their friends or family to feel pressured into agreeing or feel awkward in refusing the offer.
When you are assessing ways to generate free MLM Leads, you want these leads to be of as high a quality as possible. High quality leads are people that are actually genuinely interested in the opportunity you dont want to spend time and money in phone calls, etc. following up people who are not at all interested in pursuing a MLM business.
You will also have more success with new distributors that are keen and interested in the business; they are much more likely to sell product, build their own down line and remain with the MLM business for the long term.
One of the best ways of generating these quality free MLM Leads is by a process known as opt in marketing, where interested people actually provide you with their details asking for more information. This is quite often achieved on the internet by you developing a website which has a contact box in which people place their contact details asking you to contact them with further information.
Another way to achieve these high quality free MLM Leads and to advertise your MLM opportunity to more people is to post articles onto the internet by submitting them to article directories with your email address or profile informing people that they can contact you for more information.
When considering opt in marketing dont forget your local newspaper or any other classified advertising media. Many people have success by advertising business opportunity or new distributors required style adds in classifieds. (There are also websites on which you can post classified ads some of which are displayed internationally.)
If you type free MLM Leads into a search engine such as google, you will find numerous websites offering free MLM Leads. There are some points you should consider before deciding on a company or companies to get these free lists from. Firstly, how fresh are the leads? Are the contact details still current?
Another important consideration is are the leads actually people who are looking for MLM opportunities, or just names and contact details that the list provider has compiled? Is the list checked against the Do Not Call register? Finally, is the list really free, for example do you only get some of the contact information and have to pay for the rest of the details?
About the Author: Learn more about Brian Garvin and Jeff West at
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