By Edgar Trejo
There are many steps that go into creating a successful blog. We all know the first step is to create it, but then what? After you have developed your blog, you need some effective ways to attract visitors. Below is a list of methods you could try.
1- Remember that word of mouth is one of the best marketing tools around, so make use of it, and brag as much as you like about your website to all and sundry. Also, make use of the numerous ways that you can use Craigslist to promote your blog. After all, Craigslist is like one big digital classifieds ad.
2- You should also become active on social bookmarking sites by choosing just a few and then becoming really active on them on a regular basis. Apart from giving you more creditability on the site, it will also drive more traffic to your blog as well. Make sure to visit the blogs of those people who write on similar topics, and then leave good comments there. You can also include a link to your blog in the “website” section on the comment form – this will encourage people to visit your blog.
3- Make use of your social networking profiles as well. If you are on Linkedin or Facebook for instance, you should make sure that people can find your blog there too. Add a link to a specific post that you like, and add one to the blog on your email signature as well. Another thing is that very few bloggers realize just how effective business cards are – every blogger should have them and hand them out as much as possible.
4- There is something special about your blog, and once you figure out just what it is, then issue a press release about it. Go even further if you are really serious about it, and hire someone to do this for you.
5- One of the most effective ways to get more traffic to your blog is to do a giveaway. You do this by advertising on other blogs that you are doing a giveaway on your own blog. For instance, if you have CDs lying around that you are not interested in anymore, then advertise a contest and announce it on a whole lot of music blogs.
6- Do some friendly blogging on the sites of others, and give away your some of your writing. For example, you can offer to write one article each month for a particular site that you like, and as compensation request a link exchange. Also, you probably have a little time every month to create a newsletter about yourself. This should include information about your blog, your favourite posts, as well as some of your aims for the next month.
7- Of course, one of the really effective ways to get more traffic to your blog is to make use of Google. Google is the search engine that absolutely everyone uses these days, so make sure to find out just how it works. There are plenty of articles available on the Internet that you can read in order to better understand the use of key words, linking rules, as well as page rank.
Although these are effective ways to get more traffic to your blog, the best thing you can do is get creative and promote your blog in a way that has not been done before. Remember, anything that grabs your attention, is going to get you traffic.
About the Author: The author is an experienced marketer, article writer, and press release writer. If you want to get started on an article marketing campaign or you need to get a press release written, visit
for access to professionals who can get you exactly what you need- all at a very affordable price.
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